Landau-Spitzer Award

EPS-APS Landau-Spitzer
Award 2020

The Landau-Spitzer Award on the Physics of Plasmas for “Outstanding contributions to plasma physics” is jointly sponsored by the Plasma Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and the European Physical Society.

The Award is given to an individual or group of researchers for outstanding theoretical, experimental or technical contribution(s) in plasma physics and for advancing the collaboration and unity between Europe and the USA by joint research or research that advances knowledge which benefits the two communities in a unique way.

We congratulate the 2020 prize winners, Dr Riccardo Betti from University of Rochester, Dr Alexis Casner from University of Bordeaux-CNRS-CEA, Dr Xavier Ribeyre from University of Bordeaux-CNRS-CEA and Dr Wolfgang Theobald from University of Rochester:

The award winners have opted to give their Prize Talk at the next EPS Conference on Plasma Physics in 2022.

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