High-field laser-plasma interaction (HIFI)


Laser-driven particle and radiation sources for application (LASA)

28 and 29 June 2021


This satellite meeting of the 47th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics is intended to bring together the scientists working in the HIFI and LASA fields, to increase the visibility of these fields within the European physics community and to create special subject lines in the section Beam and Plasma Inertial Fusion (BPIF) of the Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) of the EPS.

The development of of major high-power laser facilities in Europe and around the world has opened new possibilities for investigation in High-field physics and applied physics with emphasis on possible civil applications.


New regimes of matter under extreme conditions, encompassing ultrarelativistic plasma physics and quantum electrodynamics will be explored.

This meeting brings together scientists with interest in the theory, simulation and experimental exploration of light-matter interactions in these regimes.

Topics include: latest progress in high-field experiments at currently existing laser facilities; the application of fundamental theories such as QED to light-matter interactions; developments in numerical simulations and phenomenology.


Laser-driven particle and radiation sources are promising for many scientific and technical applications. Improving the characteristics and reproducibility of these sources are key aspects for their competitiveness in the scientific community, medicine and industry.

The forum will provide an opportunity for groups working on different short-pulse laser facilities in Europe and abroad to exchange the results, methodology and coordinate their plans.

Organised by:
The Centro de Laseres Pulsados (CLPU) and The Laser-Plasma Chair @ University of Salamanca (LaPlas)

More Information

For more information visit the SATELLITE MEETING webpage.

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