Programme - Monday

The accepted contributions for the EPS Plasma Physics Conference can be found here:

The published time corresponds to CEST. If you are in a different zone, please check your time zone here.

Time for plenaries, invited and orals is 35, 30 and 15 min respectively, including questions. Note that contingency time (5-10 min) has been added to each presentation, in order to cope with possible connection difficulties. Please click here for detailed information on duration of the talks.

An additional 40 min contingency time has also been added every day at 16:40.

09:00 Conference Opening Ceremony

chair: R. Dendy

G. Giruzzi, M. Mantsinen, J.M Martorell

Plenary Session

chair: G. Giruzzi

09:40 I1.001 - R. Pitts
Progress in the understanding of plasma-wall interactions in support of the ITER Research Plan.
10:20 I1.002 - A. von Keudell
Nanosecond Plasmas in Liquids – Dynamic Plasmas at GPa pressures.
11:00 Break

chair: B. Duval


chair: S. Weber


chair: T. Mussenbrock


chair: M. Aloy Toras

11:20 I1.101 - D. Brunetti I1.201 - G.Lehman I1.301 - E. Wagenaars I1.401 - A. Araudo
12:00 I1.102 - L. Gil I1.202 - M. Zepf I1.302 - V. Rat I1.402 - H. Chen
12:40 Break
13:30 Poster Session
MCF: P1.1001 - P1.1082
BPIF: P1.2001 - P1.2031
LTDP: P1.3001 - P1.3021
BSAP: P1.4001 - P1.4014

chair: B. Duval


chair: E. Oliva


chair: I. Tanarro


chair: K. Issautier

15:20 I1.103 - A. Kappatou O1.201 - G. Williams I1.303 - N. Bordel I1.403 - J. Tjus
15:40 O1.202 - J. Wark
16:00 I1.104 - E. Solano O1.203 - Z. Lécz I1.304 - J. Schulze O1.401 - A. Tenerani
16:20 O1.204 - A. Descamps O1.402 - I. Pusztai
16:40 O1.101 - L. Dittrich I1.203 - E. McBride O1.301 - F. Boni O1.403 - B. Ripperda
17:00 O1.102 - R. Goldston O1.302 - A. Jagodar O1.404 - Z. Lin
17:20 Contingency
18:00 Break
Plenary Session

chair: A. Dinklage

18:20 I1.003 - M. Velli -"EPS Invited Speaker 2020-2021"
Parker solar probe: new views of the nascent solar wind.
19:00 Adjourn
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