Programme - Thursday

The accepted contributions for the EPS Plasma Physics Conference can be found here:

The published time corresponds to CEST. If you are in a different zone, please check your time zone here.

Time for plenaries, invited and orals is 35, 30 and 15 min respectively, including questions. Note that contingency time (5-10 min) has been added to each presentation, in order to cope with possible connection difficulties. Please click here for detailed information on duration of the talks.

An additional 40 min contingency time has also been added every day at 16:40.

Plenary Session

chair : S. Lebedev

09:00 I4.001 - J. Pons
Neutron stars as fundamental physics laboratories: the crucial role of magnetic fields and plasma physics.
09:40 Break

chair: E. Viezzer


chair: P. Maget


chair: H. Barankova


chair: C. Riconda

10:00 I4.101 - D. Carralero I4.103 - D. Kong I4.301 - P. Raynaud I4.J701 - S. Bulanov
10:40 I4.102 - A. Cathey I4.104 - M. Kong I4.302 - I. Schweigert I4.J702 - F. Perez
11:20 O4.101 - S. Liu O4.105 - M. Mantsinen O4.301 - F. Avino O4.J701 - P. San Miguel
11:40 O4.102 - L. Sanchís O4.106 - M. Hamed O4.302 - T. Staps O4.J702 - M. Usachonak
12:00 O4.103 - M. Willensdorfer O4.107 - F. Vannini O4.303 - L. Garrigues O4.J703 - B. Qiao
12:20 O4.104 - M. Goniche O4.108 - Ž. Štancar O4.304 - V. Gonzalez O4.J704 - A. Grassi
12:40 Break
13:30 Poster Session
MCF: P4.1001 - P4.1083
BPIF: P4.2001 - P4.2030
LTDP: P4.3002 - P4.3019
BSAP: P4.4001 - P4.4013

chair: C. Silva


chair: P. Loiseau


chair: H. Thomas


chair: M. Aloy Toras

15:20 I4.105 - V. Kiptily I4.201 - A. Hansen I4.303 - P. Viegas O4.401 - A. Chatain
15:40 O4.402 - D. Russel
16:00 I4.106 - C. Klepper O4.201 - D. Barlow O4.305 - P. Krainov I4.401 - E. d’Humières
16:20 O4.202 - S. Atzeni O4.306 - V. Nosenko
16:40 O4.109 - H. Strauss O4.203 - V. Tikhonchuk O4.307 - L. Scott I4.402 - H.S. Park
17:00 O4.110 - R. Pinsker O4.204 - J. Milovich O4.308 - I. Denysenko
17:20 Contingency
18:00 Break
Plenary Session

chair: R. Nuter

18:20 I4.002 - E. Lefebvre
Laser Mégajoule: results, status, and perspective after five years of plasma experiments.
19:00 Adjourn
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